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Cihampelas Walk Ciwalk in the middle of the Bandung city, a mall with a new concept, with different nuances of the mall. Cihampelas Walk Ciwalk is a shopping place with a different atmosphere, because the mall was built in opean area. Makes a beautiful combination of a modern area building with a beautiful natural atmosphere.
Cihampelas Walk Ciwalk located in the fashion shopping area, Jalan Cihampelas Bandung, road has long been known as one tourist local or abroad destination. From Cihampelas Walk Ciwalk, frenzied atmosphere of the mingled Cihampelas road between rows of shops and vehicle traffic, would not be felt. In the different areas, beautiful and clean it visitors will be more convenient for shopping.
Paris van Java Resort Lifestyle Place Bandung is a mall at Jl. Sukajadi Bandung West Java. Paris van Java is only a few minutes by car from Tol Pasteur. Paris van Java inaugurated in July 2006, designed with open-air, and pigeons flying free. Another factor is the concept of Paris van Java building is a strong European Design. Paris van Java mall have a large fish pond in front of lined cafe.
So, if you visit Bandung don't forget to come to Paris van Java mall at Jalan Sukajadi.
Bandung has served for popular weekend-break destination for people living in Jakarta for many reason. The cooler climate of highland plantation area in Bandung, the varieties of food in Bandung, the cheaper fashion shops located in factory outlets and distros, golf courses, and frienliness of local people have become the main attraction of the Bandung city.
In the 1990s, Bandung local designer opened denim clothing stores along Cihampelas Stres in Bandung, which gave Bandung another nickname, the Tourist Shopping City. It was a success as the-then residential street had been fully transformed into a "Jeans Street". The Bandung city attract people from other big cities to buy local fashion wears, as they are cheaper than branded item with same quality.
Bandung city gained more shoppers to come when textile factories in the outskirt of Bandung opened a fashion store that sells their products directly from the factory, and these shops are called factory outlets. Now more than one hundred factory outlet in Bandung.
Bandung is the capital of West Java, a province which most of its residents are mainly Sundanese people. Sundanese language in Bandung is spoken as the first language and is commonly used as informal language for communication in streets and markets, while Indonesian language as national language and a lingua franca among its many ethnic units - is used as a second language and the language of goverment, businesses, and instruction at schools in Bandung.
A popular traditional musical instrument is angklung, made of parallel bamboo tubes tuned to specific frequencies with a hammer and is shaken to produce certain notes. Music is performed by a choir of angklung players, each of whom are responsible for sounding certain notes. Its melody is only slightly different from that of Central Java's gamelan ensembles.
Bandung, the capital of West Java province, is the fourth largest city in Indonesia located about 180 km (112 miles) southeast of Jakarta. With over 2.9 million population in 2007 and over 7.2 million people on the greater Bandung regency and metropolitan area, is the one densely populated city in Asia. Bandung is rated the fastest-growing major city / urban region in Indonesia. Bandung elevation is 768 m above sea level and is surrounded by up to 2400 m high Late Tertiary and Quartemary volcanic terrain. The 400 km2 flat of central Bandung plain is situated in the middle of 2,340.88 km2 wide of the Bandung Basin; the Basin comprises Bandung, the Cimahi city, part of Bandung Regency, part of West Bandung Regency, and part of Sumedang Regency. The basin's main river is the Citarum; one of its branches, the Cikapundung, divides Bandung from north to south before it merges Citarum again in Dayeuhkolot. The Bandung Basin is an important source of water for drinking water, irrigation and fisheries, and its 6,147 million m2 of groundwater is a major reservoir for the Bandung city.
The northern part of the Bandung city is hillier than the rest; the distinguished truncated flat-peak shape of the Tangkuban Perahu volcano can be seen from the city to the north. Long-term volcanic activity has created fertile andisol soil in the north, suitable fo intensive rice, fruit, tea, tobacco and coffee plantations. In the south and east, alluvial soils deposited by the Cikapundung river are mostly found.
The climate in Bandung is cooler than most Indonesian cities and can be classified as humid; the average temperature in Bandung is 23.6°C (74.5OF) throughout the year.
My City Bandung

This blog is introducing bandung with my point of view, maybe different with other. But it's Bandung. A city at Indonesia, with creative and nice people. Nice weather, with beautiful landscape. Bandung is the capital city of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's fourth largest city, the second largest metropolitan area (Jakarta the first), with 7.4 million people who lives here in Bandung (at 2007). Located 2,520 ft above sea level, Bandung has relatively year-around coolest temperature than other Indonesian cities. Bandung lies on a river basin and surrounded by volcanic mountains. This topography provides the Bandung city with a good natural defence system.